
Except when a QUIT appears on a line after a FOR, the QUIT command terminates execution of the current GT.M invocation stack level initiated by a DO, XECUTE, extrinsic function or special variable, and return control to the next "lower" level. In this case, QUIT restores any values stacked at the current level by NEWs or by parameter passing. A QUIT command terminates any closest FOR command on the same line. Note that M overloads the QUIT command to terminate DO, FOR, XECUTE and extrinsics ($$) of which FOR is the most different.

The format of the QUIT command is:

Q[UIT][:tvexpr] [expr | *lname | *lvn]

Examples of QUIT


     Do A
A    Write !,"This is label A"

The explicit QUIT at the line preceding the label A prevents line A from executing twice. The sub-routine at line A terminates with the implicit QUIT at the end of the routine.


       Write $$ESV
        QUIT "value of this Extrinsic Special Variable"

Because the label ESV has an argument list (which is empty), GT.M can only legally reach that label with an extrinsic invocation. The QUIT on the second line prevents execution from erroneously "falling through" to the line labeled ESV. Because ESV identifies a subroutine that implements an extrinsic special variable, the QUIT on the line after ESV has an argument to provide the value of the extrinsic.


Set x="" For  Set x=$Order(^BAL(x)) Quit:x]]"AR5999"!'$Length(x)  DO STF

The postconditional QUIT terminates the FOR loop. Note the two spaces after the QUIT because it has no argument.