SOCKET devices are used to access and manipulate sockets. A SOCKET device can have unlimited associated sockets. The default limit is 64. Set the environment variable gtm_max_sockets to the number of maximum associated sockets sockets that you wish to set for a GT.M process. $VIEW("MAX_SOCKETS") returns the current value of the maximum number of associated sockets.

At any time, only one socket from the collection can be the current socket. If there is no current socket, an attempt to READ from, or WRITE to the device, generates an error.

Sockets can be attached and detached from the collection of sockets associated with a device. Detached sockets belong to a pseudo-device called the "socketpool". A process can detach a socket from a device and later attach it to the same device or another device.


Currently, GT.M does not produce an error if a socket is attached to a device having a different CHSET.


The GT.M socket device interface does not have the ability to pass sockets between related or unrelated processes. Currently error trapping operates on a device, rather than on a socket.

TCP/IP is a stream-based protocol that guarantees that bytes arrive in the order in which they were sent. However, it does not guarantee that they will be grouped in the same packets.

If packets arrive infrequently, or at varying rates that are sometimes slow, a short interval can waste CPU cycles checking for an unlikely event. On the other hand, if the handling of packets is time critical, a long interval can introduce an undesirable latency. If packets arrive in a rapid and constant flow (an unusual situation), the interval doesn't matter as much, as there is always something in the buffer for the READ to work with. If you do not specify MOREREADTIME, SOCKET READ implements a dynamic approach of using a longer first interval of 200 ms when it finds no data, then shortening the interval to 10 ms when data starts to arrive. If you specify an interval, the SOCKET device always uses the specified interval and does not adjust dynamically. For more information on MOREREADTIME, refer to “MOREREADTIME”.

Most SOCKET READ operations terminate as a result of the first condition detected from (a) receipt of delimiters, (b) receipt of the maximum number of characters, or (c) expiration of a timeout. Note that all of these conditions are optional, and a specific READ may specify zero or more of them. This section refers to these three conditions as "defined terminating conditions". If a SOCKET READ is not subject to any of the defined terminating conditions, it terminates after it has received at least one character followed by an interval with no new characters. An error can also terminate a READ. While none of the terminating conditions is satisfied, the READ continues.

The following flowchart represents the logic of a SOCKET READ.

A SOCKET READ operation terminates if any of the following conditions are met:

* denotes Defined Terminating Conditions

A non-fixed-length read, with no timeout and no delimiters (the sixth row in the above table) requires a complex implementation of sequence of READs to ensure a predictable result. This is because the transport layer stream fragments delivered to the reader has only accidental correspondence with the operations performed by the writer. For example, the following:

Write "Message 1","Message 2" is presented to the reader as the stream "Message1Message2" but it can take from one (1) to 18 READ commands to retrieve the entire stream.

Messaging protocol should implement READ in any of the following ways:

sockexamplemulti3.m demonstrates a use of $KEY and $ZKEY in a basic socket I/O setup. It launches two jobs: a server process which opens a listening socket and a client process which makes five connections to the server. The server sends a message to each connection socket. Even-numbered client sockets read the message partially but do not send a response back to the server. Odd-numbered client sockets receive the full message and respond to the server with the message "Ok.". The server reads two characters (but the client sends three) and $ZKEY shows sockets with unread characters.Please click Download sockexamplemulti3.m to download the sockexamplemulti3.m program and follow instructions in the comments near the top of the program file. You can also download sockexamplemulti3.m from

You can start a GT.M process in response to a connection request made using inetd/xinetd. The following example uses inetd/xinetd to implement a listener which responds to connections and messages just as the prior example.

In the configuration file for xinetd, define a new service called gtmserver. Set socket_type to "stream" and wait should be "no" as in the following snippet:

service gtmserver 
disable = no 
type = UNLISTED 
port = 7777 
socket_type = stream 
wait = no 
user = gtmuser 
server = /path/to/startgtm 

If you define the server in /etc/services, the type and port options are not needed. For more information, the xinetd.conf man page for more details.

If you are using inetd, a line should be added to /etc/inetd.conf with the sockettype "stream", protocol "tcp", and the "nowait" flag should be specified as in the example below, which assumes a gtmserver service is defined in /etc/services:

gtmserver stream tcp nowait gtmuser /path/to/startgtm 

In both of the above examples, "gtmuser" is the name of the user the service gtmserver should be run as, and "/path/to/startgtm" is the name of a script which defines some environment variables needed by GT.M before starting it. Please check the man page for inetd.conf on your system since the details may be slightly different.

The minimum variables are $gtm_dist which should specify the directory containing the GT.M distribution and $gtmroutines. As an example:

cd /path/to/workarea 
export gtm_dist=/usr/local/gtm 
export gtmroutines="/var/myApp/o(/var/myApp/r) $gtm_dist" 
export gtmgbldir=/var/myApp/g/mumps.dat 
$gtm_dist/mumps -r start^server 

When start^server begins, the $PRINCIPAL device will already be connected and $KEY will contain "ESTABLISHED|socket_handle|remote_ip_address". In most cases, a USE should be executed to set various device parameters such as delimiters.

The ZSHOW "D" command provides both the local and remote addresses and ports:

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