The Global utilities are:

%G: Displays global variables and their values.

%GC: Copies a global or global sub-tree.

%GCE: Replaces a specified value or part of a value in a set of variables.

%GD: Displays existing globals in the current global directory without displaying their values or descendants.

%GED: Provides full-screen editing capabilities for global variables and values.

%GI: Loads global data from a sequential file into a GT.M database.

%GO: Extracts global data from a GT.M database into a sequential file.

%GSE: Displays global variables and their values when the values contain a specified string or number.

%GSEL: Selects globals.

The "%" sign has been removed from the topic headings below, intentionally.

The %G utility displays names, descendants and values of globals currently existing in the database. Use %G to examine global variables and their values. Enter a question mark (?) at any prompt to display help information.

Output Device: <terminal>:

Requests a destination device; defaults to the principal device.

List ^Requests the name, in ZWRITE format, of a global to display.

For descriptions of valid input to the List ^ prompt, see the following table.

Arguments for %G and %GED:




Global name

M name

SQL, %5

M pattern form to match several globals

?1"A".E, ?1A1"TMP"

asterisk to match all global names


global directory lists request


Subscripts following a global name in parentheses

M expr



[expr]:[expr] for a range

1:10, "A":"F",

:4, PNT:, :

M pattern form to match certain subscripts



* descendants


The %GCE utility changes every occurrence of a string within the data of selected global nodes to a replacement string. ^%GCE changes the string in each place it occurs, even if it forms part of a longer string. For example, changing the string 12 to 55 changes 312 to 355.

The %GSEL utility selects globals. %GSEL creates a variable %ZG that is a local array of the selected globals. After each selection %GSEL displays the number of globals in %ZG.

%GSEL accepts the wildcard characters asterisk (*), percent sign (%) and question mark (?). The wildcards carry their usual meanings, asterisk (*) denoting a field or a portion of a field, and question mark (?) or percent sign (%) denoting a single character. The wildcards question mark (?) and percent sign (%) lose their meanings when in the first position of a global name. %GSEL interprets a percent sign (%) in the first position of a global name literally.

A colon (:) between two globals specifies a range.

A minus sign (-) or quotation mark (') preceding a global name removes that global from the %ZG array. A question mark (?) provides online help, and "?D" displays global names currently in the array.

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