The System Management utilities are:

The %DSEWRAP utility provides a programmatic interface that drives DSE either through a PIPE device or through generated command files. The current implementation only provides access to dumping the database file header.

Utility Labels

DUMP^%DSEWRAP(regions,.fdump,"fileheader","all") : Retrieve and parse the result of the DSE's DUMP -FILEHEADER -ALL command into the second parameter (passed by reference) for the regions contained in the local variable 'regions'. If invoked as an extrinsic function, %DSEWRAP returns the status of DUMP -FILEHEADER -ALL command.

The first parameter 'regions' can be undefined, "", "*" or "all" to mean all available regions.

The second parameter is a required passed-by-reference variable that the caller uses to retrieve data.

The third optional parameter defaults to DUMP -FILEHEADER. Using any other command dump command has not been tested.

The fourth optional parameter indicates the level of detail, -ALL, for the DUMP -FILEHEADER command. Fore more information on other -FILEHEADER qualifiers, please refer to the DSE chapter in the Administration and Operations Guide.

The format of the output array is fdump(<REGION NAME>,<FIELD NAME>). In the event of a field collision, dump^%DSEWRAP avoids overwriting existing data by creating number descendants.

The default $ETRAP handler for %DSEWRAP terminates the application if it detects an error during input validation. Application developers must define $ETRAP prior to calling %DSEWRAP.


$gtm -run ^%XCMD 'do dump^%DSEWRAP("DEFAULT",.dsefields,"","all") zwrite dsefield'

%FREECNT: Displays the number of free blocks in the database files associated with the current global directory.

The ^%XCMD utility XECUTEs input from the shell command line and returns any error status (truncated to a single byte on UNIX) generated by that code.

LOOP%XCMD Utility Label

LOOP^%XCMD [--before=/<XECUTE_code>/] --xec=/<XECUTE_code>/ [--after=/<XECUTE_code>/]

LOOP^%XCMD: XECUTEs the arguments specified in --xec=/arg1/ as GT.M code for each line of standard input that it reads. Each line is stored in the variable %l. It returns any error status (truncated to a single byte on UNIX) generated by that code.

--before=/arg0/ specifies the GT.M code that LOOP^%XCMD must XECUTE before executing --xec.

--after=/arg2/ specifies the GT.M code that LOOP^%XCMD must XECUTE after executing the last --xec.

For all qualifiers, always wrap GT.M code specified two forward slashes (/) to denote the start and end of the GT.M code. FIS strongly recommends enclosing the GT.M code within single quotation marks to prevent inappropriate expansion by the shell. LOOP^%XCMD's command line parser ignores these forward slashes.


/usr/lib/fis-gtm/V5.4-002B_x86/gtm -run %XCMD 'write "hello world",!' 

produces the following output:

"hello world" 


$ ps -ef | $gtm_exe/mumps -run LOOP^%XCMD --before='/set user=$ztrnlnm("USER") write "Number of processes owned by ",user," : "/' --xec='/if %l[user,$increment(x)/' --after='/write x,\!/' 
Number of processed owned by jdoe: 5
$ cat somefile.txt | $gtm_exe/mumps -run LOOP^%XCMD --before='/write "Total number of lines : "/' --xec='/set total=$increment(x)/' --after='/write total,\!/'

Total number of lines: 9
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